Have you ever experienced a bountiful harvest one year and less-than-stellar results the next despite using the same planting techniques? You’re not alone.

I experienced this problem firsthand. After a great harvest, I decided to replicate my garden layout during the next growing season. Instead of getting the same results, my garden suffered from a litany of problems.

I knew that I didn’t want to experience the same issues moving forward, so I decided to learn more about what was going on in my garden. That’s when I discovered the concept of crop rotation.

Turns out, planting crops in the same location year after year creates more problems than most people would think.

What is Crop Rotation?

To put it simply, crop rotation is the concept of growing different types of crops in one area over the course of several seasons. Instead of planting your favorite vegetables in the same area year after year, you would rotate the crops so that your new plants are grown in completely different soil. It’s the opposite of monocropping, which is often used by corn, wheat, and soybean farmers.

Crop rotation is a lengthy process. There are several ways to go about it. The beauty of this gardening technique, however, is that it’s completely customizable. It can be as simple or as complex as you need it to be.

On the lower end, crop rotation could only take two or three years to complete before you can start over and repeat the process. Meanwhile, some dedicated farmers with large plots of land will plan out a rotation that takes up to 8 years to complete!

Crop rotation offers a bevy of benefits. We’ll get into that in a bit. However, the overarching goal of this technique is to keep the quality of the soil high while managing pests and diseases. Several field trials have shown that it’s an effective way to manage farming issues without the use of pesticides, fungicides, and fertilizer.

The Origins of Crop Rotation

Crop rotation is not a new concept. It’s been observed throughout the history of man. Ancient Middle Eastern farmers alternated crops as far back as 6,000 BC. It’s believed that the concept was introduced to China around 100 BC. Then, crop rotation was observed during the Middle Ages when farmers would use three plots of land to manage crops.

Some of the earliest established methods of crop rotation date back to the 1700s when Jethro Tull wrote about the four-year rotation cycle. In the United States, George Washington Carver was instrumental in getting the farming technique adopted in the South.

After monocropping cotton depleted the soil of all its nutrients, crop rotation helped to restore the industry and improve the quality of the land.

What Are the Benefits of Crop Rotation?

Crop rotation offers a ton of great benefits. Ultimately, it keeps lands fertile and helps you avoid problems like sick soil. Rotation methods have ensured that large swathes of land remain viable for farmers for generations. Here are some notable benefits to consider.

Improved Soil Fertility and Structure

Plants utilize nutrients in very distinct ways. They’ll absorb certain nutrients from the soil and air to grow. When you plant the same crop in the same spot every year, you run the risk of depleting the soil of all those essential nutrients. As a result, you have to rely on fertilizer to make things right again.

Crop rotation can help solve this problem. Not only are you able to prevent nutrient depletion, but you can help gather the essentials for your next plant.

Take, for example, nitrogen. Legumes like beans and lentils take atmospheric nitrogen and leave it behind in the soil after harvesting. You can then plant a crop that needs nitrogen in your next rotation.

Even deep-rooted vegetables can be beneficial. They’re able to pull nutrients closer to the surface for shallow-rooted plants to use.

The same concept can be applied to soil structure. Grass and grain crops will improve the density and texture of the soil. Thanks to their complex root structures, the soil you leave behind will be loose and aerated.

Disease Control

If you plant the same crop in the same spot, there’s a greater chance of your crops being affected by diseases. That’s because the pathogens causing those diseases can still be present in the soil. Even after you’ve removed the crops for winter, those diseases will winter over and affect your plants the next season.

But what if you choose to plant a different crop? All of a sudden, the host for that pathogen is no longer present. Because plants are affected by unique diseases, you’re essentially depriving the pathogen of what it needs to spread. Eventually, those diseases will die down to acceptable levels.

Pest Control

Like disease control, crop rotation acts as a natural way to keep pests at bay. Moving your crops around ensures that the pest population stays under control. Insects can spend the winters hiding in the soil waiting for the next crops to emerge.

Those pests will know where to go and continually attack your plants. With crop rotation, those pests will die out because they don’t have a reliable food source.

Weed Control

Weeds can wreak havoc on any plant. However, you can control the spread of weeds by alternating between cover crop and a standard crop.

Cover crops will crowd out the weeds. Plus, they’ll prevent sunshine and water from helping them grow. When they can’t grow, the weeds can’t spread their seeds.

Increased Soil Organic Matter

Crop rotation can also improve the presence of biomass. When you remove crops after harvesting, those plants will leave behind some plant matter to fertilize the soil and replenish nutrients.

As a result, the soil becomes easier to till in the future. Over time, the soil will become more fertile and do a much better job of absorbing moisture.

Erosion Control

Erosion is a very real issue that gardeners and farmers have to deal with. Over time, several factors can cause the soil to wear away. This includes wind, rainwater, and even constant tilling.

You can do your part to reduce the effects of erosion by rotating your crops. The aforementioned benefits of improved soil structure and fertilization can do wonders to prevent erosion.

However, you can also take advantage of cover crops. Using your knowledge of weather conditions in your area, you can rotate crops to reduce overall soil exposure.

Improved Biodiversity

We’re not talking about land biodiversity in the sense of animals and pests. Instead, crop rotation can improve microbial diversity in the soil. It’s been proven time and time again that microbial richness is improved through this gardening technique.

Plants take advantage of microbial species differently, so having that diverse ecosystem in your soil can work wonders to improve overall fertility.

Increased Yield

When you combine all of the previous benefits of crop rotation, you may experience a more bountiful harvest. Studies have shown that rotating crops can result in positive yield differences.

This is true even if the soil has the same fertility parameters. Thanks to the increased biodiversity and nutrient distribution, your plants will continually produce.

Lower Commercial Risk

Finally, crop rotation can do a lot to prepare yourself for the worst-case scenario. Commercial farmers often have to deal with unexpected climate changes and environmental factors. All it takes is one disaster to ruin an entire growing season.

Some plants are more resistant to those extreme weather changes than others, so rotating the crops provides better protection. Not only that, but the improved soil conditions allow you to cultivate more land with less work. It’s a win-win all around.

How Does Crop Rotation Work?

At face value, crop rotation is a very simple concept. All you have to do is spit up your planting area. Within each section, plant the same types of crops together.

As we mentioned earlier, crop rotation can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be. On the simpler side of things, farmers can separate the plant types into four specific groups. These include legumes, root vegetables, leafy greens, and fruit-bearing plants.

Legumes include plants like peas, pole beans, peanuts, bush beans, and more. Root vegetables are crops like potatoescarrots, and onions. Basically, it’s any plant where the root portion is what you eat. This is in stark contrast to leafy greens, such as lettuce, kale, and spinach.

Leafy greens tend to have shallow roots, which we don’t eat. Then, there are fruit-bearing plants. These include crops like tomatoescucumbers, and corn.

Those are just the basic groups. We’ll go over more defined groups in a bit.

Typically, crop rotation is only used for annual plants. Perennials are not replanted every year. They should be planted in their own separate bed away from the rotation plot.

After you have harvested all of your plants at the end of the growing season, you can start planning for the rotation ahead.

Plant Families for Crop Rotation

Now, those basic crop groups we went over are fine for smaller gardens. However, it doesn’t cover the exact needs of many crops. To experience optimal results, you will need to take a look at the deeper plant families.

These families require the same kinds of nutrients and respond to soil conditions in similar ways. Thus, you can use those similarities to your advantage when rotating crops.


Plants in the cruciferae family include:

  • Turnips
  • Cabbage
  • Kale
  • Broccoli
  • Bok choy
  • Radish
  • Mustard

These plants all require soil with a higher pH balance. They also thrive in lime, which makes the soil much more acidic. Oftentimes, this plant family is anchored on one end of the rotation plan.


eggplant grown in container
Eggplant growing in container at the BMC Horticulture show

Solanaceae plants include:

These plants are anchored on the opposite side of the rotation plan from Cruciferae plants. They like slightly acidic soil with a pH of around 5.5. High nitrogen levels are also a must.


Leguminosae are beans and legumes. They include plants like:

  • Alfalfa
  • Chickpeas
  • Soybean
  • Peas

Soil requirements aren’t huge with this plant family. That’s because they pull nitrogen from the air. They do a fantastic job of preparing the soil for the next crop in the rotation line.


Popular alliums include:

  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Shallots
  • Leeks
  • Chives

Alliums need well-draining soil with a slightly acidic pH of around 5.5 to 6.5.


Curcurbitaceae plants are gourds. Some common garden Curcurbitaceae crops include:

  • Watermelon
  • Squash
  • Pumpkins
  • Cucumbers
  • Zucchini

To grow these plants successfully, you’ll need soil that’s low in nitrogen and high in potassium. You can plant them after crops that require high nitrogen content to see success.


Crops in the Umbelliferae family include:

  • Celery
  • Carrots
  • Parsley
  • Fennel
  • Parsnip

Good soil conditions for plants in this family include a pH of around 6.0 and heavy organic matter.

How to Plan Crop Rotation

There are a few different ways to go about crop rotation. Your exact schedule will depend entirely on the plants you want to grow. Here are some example rotation plans you can follow.

Three-Year Rotation

With a three-year crop rotation plan, you’re going to be separating your garden into three separate plots. These plots will focus on the Cruciferae, Leguminosae, Allium, and Solanaceae families.

On your first year, plant as follows:

  • Plot 1: Alliums and Solanaceae plants. The only plants in this plot should be root-based crops. You can fertilize with lime in the fall.
  • Plot 2: Cruciferae and Leguminosae plants. This plot can be fertilized with compost and manure.
  • Plot 3: Everything else. Any other crop you want to plant will go in this crop.

For the second year, rotate your plants. Plot 1 should move to plot 3. Plot 2 will move to plot 1, and so forth.

  • Plot 1: Cruciferae and Leguminosae plants.
  • Plot 2: All other non-family plants.
  • Plot 3: Root-based Alliums and Solanaceae plants.

In the third year, you will rotate to the next plot again.

  • Plot 1: All other non-family plants
  • Plot 2: Root-based Alliums and Solanaceae plants.
  • Plot 3: Cruciferae and Leguminosae plants.

After the third year, you can repeat the cycle to continue seeing results. By the final rotation, pest and disease issues should be decreased to manageable levels.

Four-Year Rotation

With a four-year cycle, you can mix certain plant families a bit more. As you might have guessed, this rotation plan will be using four plots of land.

The first year, you can plant as follows:

  • Plot 1: Root-based Solanaceae. This can be fertilized with lime.
  • Plot 2: Plants in Leguminosae family. Fertilize plot with manure.
  • Plot 3: Cruciferae and other non-family plants. You can fertilize with lime.
  • Plot 4: Alliums and roots. Fertilization can be done with manure

For your second year, the rotation will look like this:

  • Plot 1: Plants in Leguminosae family.
  • Plot 2: Cruciferae and other non-family plants.
  • Plot 3: Alliums and roots.
  • Plot 4: Root-based Solanaceae.

For the third year, do this:

  • Plot 1: Cruciferae and other non-family plants.
  • Plot 2: Alliums and roots.
  • Plot 3: Root-based Solanaceae
  • Plot 4: Plants in Leguminosae family.

Finally, your last year of rotation should follow this:

  • Plot 1: Alliums and roots.
  • Plot 2: Root-based Solanaceae.
  • Plot 3: Plants in Leguminosae family.
  • Plot 4: Cruciferae and other non-family plants.

Five-Year Rotation

A five-year rotation plan is the most flexible. You’ll be working with five groups. While it takes longer to complete the rotation, you can expect some impressive results when it comes to growth, pest control, and disease control.

The first year, you will plant as follows:

  • Plot 1: Root-based Solanaceae. This can be fertilized with green manure and lime.
  • Plot 2: Plants in Leguminosae family. Fertilizing with lime is ideal.
  • Plot 3: Plants in Cruciferae family.
  • Plot 4: Plants in the Cucurbitaceae family.
  • Plot 5: Plants in the Allium and Umbelliferae families.

The second year, you can plant like this:

  • Plot 1: Plants in Leguminosae family.
  • Plot 2: Plants in Cruciferae family.
  • Plot 3: Plants in the Cucurbitaceae family.
  • Plot 4: Plants in the Allium and Umbelliferae families.
  • Plot 5: Root-based Solanaceae.

The third year, move your plants once again to mimic this pattern:

  • Plot 1: Plants in Cruciferae family.
  • Plot 2: Plants in the Cucurbitaceae family.
  • Plot 3: Plants in the Allium and Umbelliferae families.
  • Plot 4: Plants in the Solanaceae family.
  • Plot 5: Plants in Leguminosae family.

On the fourth year, follow this map:

  • Plot 1: Plants in the Cucurbitaceae family.
  • Plot 2: Plants in the Allium and Umbelliferae families.
  • Plot 3: Plants in the Solanaceae family.
  • Plot 4: Plants in Leguminosae family.
  • Plot 5: Plants in Cruciferae family.

Finally, the fifth year will look like this:

  • Plot 1: Plants in the Allium and Umbelliferae families.
  • Plot 2: Plants in the Solanaceae family.
  • Plot 3: Plants in Leguminosae family.
  • Plot 4: Plants in Cruciferae family.
  • Plot 5: Plants in the Cucurbitaceae family.


There you have it. While crop rotation may seem like a big hassle, the benefits you will experience are well worth it. All you need to do to get started is to choose your plants and separate your garden into distinct plots.

Once you get started, keep track of what plants go where. You can refer to that chart in the coming years to ensure that your plants are always rotated correctly.

It’s a slow process, but continually rotating your crop will keep your land fertile for generations to come.

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