It’s wonderful.

Watching the rainfall in your garden is a magnificent sight.

But you have some seeds and seedlings you want to plant. Should you plant them before or after such rains?

Plant before it rains because the soil is easier to work with when dry. It gives the seeds sufficient time to establish roots. The soil may become soggy and compact after the rains. Avoid planting before heavy rains as the soil and seeds will wash away.

Now that you know you should start planting before it rains, why should you do so, and is it okay to plant seeds before a heavy rainfall? Keep reading to find out.

Why should you plant before it rains?

You should start planting before it rains because if you plant seeds or flowers when the soil is wet, it compacts the soil. It is hard to loosen compacted soil properly, even if you till it before you plant.

If the soil that you plant seeds or flowers in is compacted, the soil will not absorb oxygen. Without the right amount of oxygen, the plant will die or will not grow properly. The lack of oxygen will affect the plant’s ability to establish a healthy roots system.

If you plant seeds in compacted soil before it rains, the rain will not drain properly and will stay in the soil longer than it should. Depending on how much rain remains in the soil, your plants may drown, or it might stunt their growth; Even if you did not water them after it rained.

Heavy downpour can wash away the younger seedlings. Hence it is advisable to start planting at least 30 to 40 days before and 7 to 10 days after the rains. If the plants have matured well before the rainy season, rainwater can help irrigate the planted area. Likewise, if the planting is deferred to about a month after the rainy season, the soil moisture will already be better for planting. – Karan Mahajan, Co-Founder, All That Grows

Start planting before it rains and make sure that the soil is relatively dry-but not bone dry. Start planting right before the rainy season starts. This increases the chances of planting before light rainfall. Do not plant in the rain because you will probably get sick if you do that. Choose to do so a day or two beforehand.

It is sometimes difficult to work with wet soil as it sometimes turns to mud, and mud can not be easily shifted aside or held so you can place the seeds where they need to go. Even if you aren’t trying to plant seeds in mud, it is much easier to work with dry soil. Begin planting while the soil is still dry.

It is best to start planting seeds and flowers before it rains because the weather is typically slightly chilly. Planting while there is still 70-80 degree weather will ensure that your plants will thrive. Planting before the rainy season means you can avoid standing out in the cold. Stay inside during colder periods of weather rather than planting seeds.

I conducted a poll asking gardeners whether they planted before or after the rain. A majority 92.5% thought it’s a good idea to plant before it rains. You can see results of the poll below.

Should I ensure the soil is wet before planting?

When planting, you want to make sure that the soil is moist. However, you do not want it to become too wet, as this will make it harder to work with. If the soil is bone dry, add a small amount of water to it and wait until it drains a little before you plant.

Moist soil will ensure that the seeds you plant can start roots with little resistance, and it will ensure that your plants have enough water to last them until it rains.

Rainy season is typically considered the best time for plants, since the air is full of heat, humidity and moisture which are ideal factors for plants. Anyone can garden during the rains,  but they should be prepared to deal with other factors related to moisture and soil.  One must also consider the type of plant, since not every plant can survive in heavy rain like situations. – Vinayak Garg, Founder, Lazy Gardener

If you plant seeds in completely dry soil, they won’t grow, even if it rains soon after you finish planting the seeds in dry soil.

Now that you know you should start and finish planting seeds and flowers before it rains, you are likely wondering if you need to water your plants after planting them if it is forecast to rain within the next few days. Keep reading to find out.

Should I water newly planted plants before it rains?

Many people water their plants after they finish planting the seeds or the flowers because that is what they have been told to do, and they know that plants need water to grow. But should you water your plants after planting if it is going to rain soon?

Don’t worry about watering your plants after you have planted them if it is going to rain within a few days after you finish planting. If you do water them, only add a little water because they will get plenty of water when it rains, and you don’t want your freshly planted flowers or plants to drown.

If you want to, add a little water where you planted the seeds or flowers until the soil is moist. Giving them this water should hold them over until it rains. If you have well-draining soil, it will evaporate and drain before it rains so your plants can grow unharmed.

The best time to sow your seed is just before rainfall. Dry soil is easier to work with than wet soil, and seeds are less likely to be washed away or rot in soggy soil. Note that light rains are great, but heavy downpours can be problematic. Be mindful of upcoming weather conditions and avoid planting when severe rains are forecasted, or your newly planted seeds might be washed away by a storm. – Gena Lorainne, Gardening Expert, Fantastic Services

Should I plant before a rainstorm?

Don’t plant seeds or flowers when a heavy rainstorm is forecast to occur. If you do, then the seeds may be washed out of place, especially if the ground was recently tilled.

If you plant seeds when heavy rains are forecast, the soil will probably become over-saturated with water and won’t have enough oxygen for the plants to grow. Without oxygen, their growth will stunt, or they will die.

The roots won’t have time to be established and grow strong enough to withstand a large amount of rain if you plant the seeds a day or two beforehand. Give your plants plenty of time to develop a healthy roots system before the next projected rainfall.

Overall, plant seeds, and flowers a day or two before light rain is forecast. Don’t worry about watering your plants if it will rain soon, as they will get plenty of water, and it is unnecessary.

As for planting in the rain, it is best to avoid doing this. Not only is it potentially dangerous for your health, but you would do so in unfavorable planting conditions. Enjoy planting and be sure to check the weather forecast frequently.

If there is heavy rain after planting vegetable seeds, there’s a good chance those seeds will be dispersed. I would suggest you plant the vegetable seeds again to improve your chances of germination.

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