Gardening is a delicate balance of various factors, including soil quality, water, and the presence of beneficial organisms. However, imbalances can lead to pest infestations and fungal outbreaks, causing damage to your beloved plants.

In this blog post, we’ll explore an eco-friendly and natural solution: baking soda spray. We’ll delve into its benefits, the pests it can protect your plants from, and provide you with a simple recipe for making your own baking soda spray.

Benefits of Using Baking Soda Spray for Plants

Maintaining a healthy garden is key to keeping pests at bay. Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, offers several benefits when used as a spray in your garden:

  1. Pest Repellent: While baking soda may not eliminate all pests, it is effective against soft-bodied insects like aphids, spider mites, and caterpillars. When ingested by these pests, it releases lethal doses of carbon dioxide, acting quickly and effectively.
  2. Fungal Protection: Baking soda provides excellent protection against fungal outbreaks, particularly powdery mildew. It disrupts fungal spores, preventing them from establishing themselves on your plants. This makes it a valuable tool for prevention.
  3. Eco-Friendly: Baking soda is a natural compound and a safer alternative to chemical pesticides. It allows you to address garden issues without harming the environment.

Pests that Baking Soda Spray Can Protect From

Baking soda spray can help protect your plants from a range of pests, including:

Baking Soda Spray Recipe

Creating your own baking soda spray is simple and cost-effective. Here’s a recipe you can follow:


  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
  • 1 teaspoon of natural Castile soap
  • 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil


  1. In a container, add 1 liter of water.
  2. Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to the water.
  3. Mix in 1 teaspoon of natural Castile soap, which will act as a spreader and sticker to keep the solution on the leaves.
  4. Incorporate 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil, which helps suffocate and kill insects on contact and propels fungal spores away.
  5. Thoroughly mix the solution.
  6. Transfer the mixture into a spray bottle.


  • Spray your plants every two weeks for prevention.
  • In case of an existing outbreak, spray every three days.

Note: Before using this spray on all your plants, perform a sensitivity test on a single leaf to ensure it doesn’t cause any adverse effects.

Further reading

I’ve created a list of several types of homemade organic sprays that provide nutrients or protect plants from pests and diseases. Check the post below for this list.

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