Are you looking for a natural and cost-effective way to enhance the growth of your plants? Look no further than banana peel spray!

This nutrient-rich liquid, derived from boiling or soaking banana peels, provides your plants with a much-needed organic boost. With its high potassium content, banana peel spray helps prevent deficiencies and promotes healthy growth.

Whether you have tomatoes, banana trees, or pepper plants, they can all benefit from the application of this environmentally friendly fertilizer.

Get ready to give your plants the nourishment they deserve with banana peel spray!

Benefits of banana peel spray

The benefits of banana peel spray include boosting plant growth, increasing fruit and crop production, and preventing potassium deficiency symptoms.

When you apply banana peel spray to your plants, the nutrients present in the peel are released into the soil, providing an organic source of nutrients for your plants. This helps to stimulate root growth, improve nutrient absorption, and enhance overall plant health.

Additionally, the potassium found in banana peels is essential for the proper functioning of plants and helps to prevent potassium deficiency symptoms such as leaf scorching and reduced growth.

Pests that banana peel spray is effective against

  1. Aphids: These tiny insects can quickly multiply and suck the sap from your plants, causing stunted growth and deformities. Banana peel spray acts as a natural repellent, deterring aphids from infesting your crops.
  2. Whiteflies: These small, flying insects can cause significant damage to your plants by feeding on their sap and transmitting diseases. Banana peel spray creates a sticky residue on the leaves, trapping whiteflies and preventing them from spreading.
  3. Mealybugs: These pests are known for their cotton-like appearance and can weaken your plants by sucking their sap. Banana peel spray suffocates mealybugs, effectively controlling their population.
  4. Spider mites: These tiny pests can cause severe damage to your plants by sucking their juices and spinning webs. Banana peel spray contains enzymes that break down the protective coating of spider mites, leading to their demise.

Nutrients provided by banana peel spray

  1. Potassium: Banana peels are rich in potassium, a macronutrient that is essential for the overall growth and development of plants. Potassium plays a crucial role in various plant processes, including photosynthesis, water regulation, and the formation of fruits and flowers.
  2. Phosphorus: Another important nutrient found in banana peel spray is phosphorus. Phosphorus is vital for root development, energy transfer within the plant, and the production of flowers and fruits.
  3. Calcium: Banana peels also contain calcium, which is essential for cell wall formation and overall plant structure. Calcium helps prevent diseases and disorders such as blossom end rot in tomatoes.
  4. Magnesium: Banana peel spray is a good source of magnesium, which is necessary for chlorophyll production and photosynthesis. Magnesium deficiency can lead to yellowing of leaves and poor plant growth.

Banana peel spray recipe


  • Banana peels
  • Water
  • Container or bucket
  • Blender or coffee grinder (optional)
  • A jar or container


  1. Start by collecting banana peels after you’ve enjoyed the fruit. You can use peels from ripe or overripe bananas.
  2. Choose a container or bucket of an appropriate size. The size can vary based on how much banana peel fertilizer you want to make.
  3. Place the banana peels into the container. You can cut them into smaller pieces if needed to fit better.
  4. Fill the container with water, ensuring that the water level is just above the banana peel line. This prevents the banana peels from turning moldy.
  5. Leave the container out of direct sunlight for a week or two. During this time, the banana peels will break down in the water, creating a nutrient-rich liquid.
  6. If you prefer a slow-release banana peel fertilizer, follow these additional steps:
    • Dry out the banana peels until they turn black. You can do this by laying them out in the sun for an entire day.
    • Once dried, grind the banana peels into a fine powder using a blender, coffee grinder, or a pestle and mortar.
  7. Store the banana peel fertilizer in a dry place to prevent moisture-induced spoilage. A jar or container works well for this purpose.
  8. To use the liquid banana peel fertilizer, dilute it with water using a ratio of five parts water to one part fertilizer.
  9. You can apply the diluted fertilizer to your plants by watering them as usual. Use this fertilizer around three to six months before your growing season for best results.
  10. If you have the powdered banana peel fertilizer, you can add it directly to the soil, mix it into the top layer, or place it in planting holes before transplanting your plants.
  11. Repeat this process throughout the year as you eat more bananas, ensuring a continuous supply of natural fertilizer for your garden.
  12. Enjoy healthier, more vibrant plants and help reduce waste by making use of your banana peels in your garden.

Further reading

I’ve created a list of several types of homemade organic sprays that provide nutrients or protect plants from pests and diseases. Check the post below for this list.

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