I’m thinking about growing fuchsias in my container garden. I’ve asked some people and they told me it should be possible to grow fuchsia cuttings in water. I’m writing all my research on this topic in this post.

You can grow fuchsia cuttings in water. For optimal growth, make sure to keep the leaves above the waterline with only the stem immersed. You will find the fuchsia cuttings are growing roots after about three weeks. You can then take the cuttings out of the water and plant it in moist soil.

There’s a lot more you need to know if you want to start growing fuchsia cuttings in water including things like how to get the cuttings from an existing plant. So keep reading as I write all my research about this topic below.

How Does a Fuchsia Cutting Grow in Water?

Growing your fuchsia cutting in water is the first step to propagation – the process of growing new plants from leftover parts like seeds, cuttings, or leaves. There are a few different processes for plant propagation, one of the most popular being using the cuttings of plants.

The majority of larger plants and any plant, really, is grown in soil. The soil contains nutrients and minerals that the plant needs to survive and thrive.

Additionally, the soil helps keep the plant erect, as the roots grow into the soil and use the dirt as leverage to stay standing. However, when it comes to smaller plants or cuttings, water can be just as effective.

Water contains enough minerals and nutrients on its own to keep plants and herbs healthy. It only works for smaller plants and herbs, though, since those particular plants can stay upright independently with no soil.

How To Grow A Fuchsia Cutting in Water

Growing plants can be an intricate process if you’re a beginner or even an intermediate gardener.

When it comes to growing cuttings in water, the task can be even more tricky since there are over 400,000 flowering plant species in the world, each with different needs for optimal growth. This section will help you with the how-to of growing fuchsia in water.

Mostly herbs and certain species of plants can permanently reside in water. Fuchsia, on the other hand, is not a plant that can stay in the water. The water is a temporary step that will lead to a permanent home in a pot of soil.

Use a Clear, Glass Cup

To grow your fuchsia cuttings in water, you will take your cutting and place it in a cup of water. A red glass cup is known to help the plant grow the quickest, but any clear glass cup will do.

Use Pure Spring Water

Tap water or bottled water is not healthy for the plant. Pure spring water is best for growing fuchsia cuttings in water.

Both well water and spring water contain the needed minerals and nutrients that tap and bottled water are lacking. These minerals and nutrients are vital for the plants to grow.

Monitor Water Level

Always make sure the leaves stay above the water level. Throughout the days or weeks that your fuchsia cutting is growing, keep an eye on the water level and top it off when needed.

If you are using a small container/cup, you can fill the entire cup with water. If you are using a tall glass, fill it only to where the stem is immersed, but no leaves are touching the water.

Replant the Fuchsia Plant in Soil

It can take up to three weeks for the roots to grow. When you see about an inch of roots on your fuchsia cutting, take the cutting out of the water and replant it in moist soil.

When planting your fuchsia in soil, plant it 5 cm (1.96 inches) below the dirt and make sure the soil is moist and fertile. The National Gardening Association also recommends applying mulch to your soil.

This material will keep the moisture in the dirt, help prevent disease and keep weeds to a minimum. When applying, make sure to avoid placing it directly on the stems of the plants.

Plant the Fuchsia in Spring or Summer

Timing is essential when it comes to growing plants. Too much heat or cold can stunt the plant from growing fully.

When it comes to your Fuchsias, late spring/early summer is the best time. This will avoid any frosty nights from ruining the plant.

Furthermore, the stems are more soft and pliable earlier in the season compared to later when they can grow to be stiff.

How Do You Make a Proper Fuchsia Cutting?

Before you can plant a fuchsia cutting in water, you’re going to need a cutting first. Plant cutting is the first step of plant propagation.

This is when you cut a piece from a parent plant to plant it in a separate medium (either soil or water) to grow as a separate plant.

This may seem easy enough to do, but there is actually a precise way to access and maintain the plant’s growth hormones.

The plant hormones are vital to the plant’s survival, as they control all aspects of their growth, such as development, protection against disease and stress, and monitor organ size.

It is also important to not rip any leaves or parts of the plant off but to cut neatly. If gardening is something you are seriously getting into (or already are into), be sure to purchase a pair of gardening scissors. The VIVOSUN pruning shears will guarantee a smooth cut.

The reason you are cutting leaves off the stem is that those leaves will take nutrients that are needed elsewhere when you’re trying to grow a new plant.

Below is the proper way to cut a fuchsia cutting.

Cut off a stem from the base of the plant, then remove the two lower leaves.

Cut right below the node, which is where the leaves were. The node is going to look like a small bump on the stem. This is where growth hormones are located. As mentioned before, it is important to maintain the node.

Take off two more leaves near the top of the stem. This will lower the stress on the stem and help it to stay standing up straight.

Congratulations, you have your cutting and are ready to grow your plant!

If any part of the above instructions were confusing, be sure to watch the step-by-step tutorial on how to get your fuchsia cutting:


You can grow your very own fuchsia plant just by using the cuttings of another. To grow your plant cutting in water, just get a glass cup and either pure spring water or well water.

Make sure to keep an eye on the water level and the growth of roots. Once roots have grown, take the cutting and plant it in moist soil to continue growing your beautiful fuchsia plant.

Once your plant has grown, make sure to place it in a semi-shaded area. Fuchsia plants are best known to be displayed in hanging baskets, so if you’re looking for a great pair of hanging baskets, check out the Keter Resin Rattan baskets.


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