In the world of gardening, finding ways to nourish your plants naturally can lead to bountiful harvests and vibrant blooms. One such natural secret is hiding in your morning routine: coffee grounds.

In this blog post, we will explore how to use coffee grounds to fertilize your plants effectively. We’ll delve into the benefits of this eco-friendly practice and provide you with a simple coffee grounds spray recipe to give your garden the boost it deserves.

Benefits of using coffee grounds for plants

Coffee grounds are more than just a waste product from your daily caffeine fix. They offer a range of benefits for your garden:

  1. Rich in Nitrogen: Coffee grounds are a nitrogen-rich organic material. Nitrogen is a vital nutrient for plant growth, promoting lush green foliage and overall plant health.
  2. Improves Soil Structure: Coffee grounds enhance soil structure by improving aeration and water retention. This helps create a healthy growing environment for your plants.
  3. Enhances Microbial Activity: Coffee grounds encourage beneficial microorganisms in the soil, fostering a balanced ecosystem that supports plant growth.
  4. Repels Pests: Coffee grounds have been known to deter certain garden pests, such as slugs and snails, thanks to their abrasive texture.
  5. Eco-Friendly Recycling: Using coffee grounds in your garden is an eco-friendly way to recycle waste. It reduces the amount of organic material sent to landfills.

Coffee Grounds Spray Recipe

Creating a coffee grounds spray is a simple and effective way to utilize this garden booster. Here’s a step-by-step recipe:


  • Used coffee grounds (brewed and strained)
  • Water
  • Epsom salt (optional)


  1. Start with a container or bucket. A 5-gallon bucket works well for larger quantities.
  2. Fill the container with water, leaving some space at the top.
  3. Add the used coffee grounds to the water. You can use grounds from your coffee maker, ensuring they are well-drained.
  4. Optionally, add Epsom salt to the mixture. Epsom salt provides magnesium, which can benefit plants like tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers.
  5. Stir the mixture thoroughly to combine the coffee grounds with the water.
  6. Let the mixture steep for at least seven days. During this time, stir it occasionally to ensure even distribution.
  7. After seven days, the mixture will have become a nutrient-rich “tea.”
  8. Use this coffee grounds spray to water the base of your plants. It’s best to apply it in the morning or on cloudy days to prevent scorching the leaves.
  9. Apply approximately a cup or more of the coffee grounds spray to each plant’s base, depending on the plant’s size and the concentration you desire.
  10. Repeat this process as needed throughout the growing season to provide your plants with a continuous supply of nutrients.

Further reading

I’ve created a list of several types of homemade organic sprays that provide nutrients or protect plants from pests and diseases. Check the post below for this list.

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