Compost tea is a great way to naturally fertilize and boost the health of your plants. It’s an easy-to-make liquid fertilizer that uses compost and other ingredients to feed your plants and enhance their growth.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to make compost tea spray for your plants and the recipe you will need to make it. We’ll also discuss some of the benefits of using compost tea spray on your plants.

Benefits of compost tea spray

  1. Improved Soil Health: Compost tea enhances soil health by introducing beneficial microorganisms that help break down organic matter, improve soil structure, and increase nutrient availability for plants.
  2. Enhanced Plant Growth: The beneficial microorganisms in compost tea promote root development, leading to healthier and more vigorous plant growth, including increased flower and fruit production.
  3. Disease Suppression: Compost tea can help suppress harmful pathogens and diseases in the soil, reducing the risk of plant infections and the need for chemical treatments.
  4. Sustainable Nutrient Source: Compost tea provides a sustainable and organic source of nutrients for plants, reducing the reliance on synthetic fertilizers and supporting eco-friendly gardening practices.
  5. Biodiversity Promotion: The microbial diversity introduced by compost tea fosters a balanced and thriving ecosystem in the soil, leading to a healthier and more resilient garden environment.

Nutrients provided by compost tea spray

Compost tea spray provides a range of nutrients to plants, although the exact nutrient composition can vary depending on the source and the compost used. Here are some of the nutrients that compost tea spray may provide to plants:

  1. Macronutrients:
    • Nitrogen (N): Promotes leafy green growth and overall plant vigor.
    • Phosphorus (P): Supports root development, flowering, and fruiting.
    • Potassium (K): Aids in disease resistance and overall plant health.
  2. Micronutrients (Trace Elements):
    • Iron (Fe): Essential for chlorophyll production and overall plant vitality.
    • Magnesium (Mg): Important for photosynthesis and enzyme activation.
    • Calcium (Ca): Supports cell wall structure and strength.
    • Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Boron (B), Molybdenum (Mo), etc.: Essential for various enzyme functions and metabolic processes.
  3. Organic Matter: Compost tea contains organic matter that improves soil structure, water retention, and microbial activity.
  4. Beneficial Microorganisms: Compost tea is rich in beneficial bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms that aid in nutrient cycling, disease suppression, and improved nutrient uptake by plants.
  5. Plant Growth Hormones: Some compost teas may contain natural plant growth regulators that stimulate plant growth and development.
  6. Enzymes: Enzymes in compost tea can help break down organic matter in the soil, making nutrients more accessible to plants.

Compost tea spray recipe


  1. 5 gallons of purified water
  2. Compost (about 1 cup)
  3. Boogie Brew tea (or another compost tea starter)
  4. Air pump with dual outlets
  5. Air stones (2)
  6. Tubing for air circulation
  7. Burlap sack (or nylon straining bag)
  8. Extension cord with GFCI protection
  9. Pump sprayer (optional)
  10. Strainer (if using a pump sprayer)


  1. Prepare the 5-Gallon Bucket:
    • Fill a standard 5-gallon bucket with 5 gallons of purified water. Ensure the water is free of chlorine and other impurities.
  2. Prepare the Compost Tea Base:
    • Take a burlap sack (or a nylon straining bag) and place it over the bucket.
    • Add about 1 cup of compost into the sack. If using Boogie Brew tea or a similar product, follow the instructions on the package for the recommended amount.
  3. Set Up Air Circulation:
    • Attach the tubing to the dual outlet air pump.
    • Plug one end of the tubing into one of the pump’s outlets and plug the other end into an airstone.
    • Repeat this process for the second pump and airstone.
    • To ensure all the air is directed to the airstones, plug up one of the pump’s outlets using a piece of tubing or a plug.
  4. Aerate the Compost Tea:
    • Submerge the airstones into the water in the bucket, ensuring they are positioned near the bottom.
    • Turn on the air pumps to start aerating the compost tea. You should see bubbles rising from the airstones.
  5. Brew the Compost Tea:
    • Allow the compost tea to brew for at least 4 hours. If using a highly active compost tea starter like Boogie Brew, 4 hours should suffice. For other compost teas, you may want to brew for 12 hours for maximum microbial activity.
  6. Optional: Strain the Tea (for Pump Sprayer):
    • If you plan to use a pump sprayer to apply the compost tea to your plants, strain the tea through a fine strainer to remove any particulates.
  7. Apply the Compost Tea:
    • You can apply the compost tea to your garden in two ways:
      • Watering Method: Simply water your plants with the compost tea using a watering can or hose attachment. Ensure the soil receives a good soaking.
      • Sprayer Method (Optional): Pour the strained compost tea into a pump sprayer and spray it evenly onto your plants’ leaves and soil. This method can help plants absorb nutrients through their leaves.
  8. Repeat as Needed:
    • Use compost tea as part of your regular garden maintenance, repeating the brewing and application process as needed to promote healthy plant growth and soil vitality.

Read more:

Further reading

I’ve created a list of several types of homemade organic sprays that provide nutrients or protect plants from pests and diseases. Check the post below for this list.

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