Aspirin spray can benefit certain plants such as tomato plants by providing a boost of growth and protection from certain pests and diseases.

In this post, you’ll find a simple recipe to make your own aspirin spray that is beneficial for plants.

Benefits of aspirin spray

Using aspirin spray on your plants can provide numerous benefits. It can increase plant size and yield, enhance the immune response in nightshade family plants, and prepare them for microbial or insect attacks.

When plants are stressed, they produce salicylic acid, which helps them cope with various challenges like dry conditions, diseases, and insect attacks. Aspirin water for plants contains salicylic acid, which accelerates germination and improves resistance to pests and diseases. It also boosts the plant’s immune system, leading to enhanced overall health and productivity.

Pests that aspirin spray is effective against

  1. Aphids: Aspirin spray may deter aphids to some extent, but it’s not a guaranteed solution.
  2. Whiteflies: Like aphids, whiteflies may be somewhat deterred by aspirin spray, but it may not provide complete control.
  3. Spider mites: Aspirin spray may help reduce spider mite populations, but it’s not a highly effective treatment.
  4. Fungal diseases: Aspirin spray can be more effective against fungal diseases like powdery mildew. The salicylic acid in aspirin may inhibit fungal growth.
  5. Bacterial diseases: Aspirin spray may also have some limited effect on certain bacterial diseases in plants.

Aspirin spray recipe


  • 1 uncoated aspirin tablet with 325 milligrams of aspirin
  • 1 gallon of water
  • A gallon-sized container
  • A sprayer (with a fine mist setting for foliar spraying)


  1. Select the Right Aspirin Tablet: Ensure that you have an uncoated aspirin tablet with 325 milligrams of aspirin. This type of aspirin is ideal for this purpose, as it will readily dissolve in water.
  2. Prepare the Water: Measure out one gallon (approximately 3.8 liters) of water. It’s essential to use clean, preferably distilled or tap water without any additives.
  3. Dissolve the Aspirin Tablet: Drop the uncoated aspirin tablet into the gallon of water. Allow it to dissolve naturally. You can gently stir the mixture to speed up the process, but it should dissolve fairly quickly, typically within a minute.
  4. Ensure Complete Dissolution: Before proceeding, ensure that the aspirin tablet has fully dissolved. You should not see any visible remnants of the tablet.
  5. Pour into a Sprayer: Once the aspirin tablet has dissolved, pour the aspirin-infused water into a garden sprayer. Make sure your sprayer is clean and free from any residue or chemicals.
  6. Adjust Spray Nozzle: Set your sprayer to a fine mist setting. This ensures that you’ll evenly cover the tomato plant leaves with the aspirin solution.
  7. Spray Your Tomato Plants: It’s best to apply the aspirin spray during the early morning or late evening when the weather is cooler. Avoid spraying in direct sunlight, as this may cause the leaves to burn. Thoroughly soak the leaves and stems of your tomato plants. Ensure that you cover all parts of the plant, including the undersides of the leaves.
  8. Follow a Schedule: For optimal results, repeat this process every 10 to 14 days throughout the growing season. This consistent application helps activate the Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR) response in your tomato plants, strengthening their defenses against diseases and pests.


You can adjust the quantity of aspirin solution based on your garden’s size and needs. If you have a smaller garden, you can prepare a half-gallon or quarter-gallon solution accordingly.

Remember to use uncoated aspirin tablets, as they dissolve more effectively in water.

If you notice any allergic reactions or adverse effects, discontinue use immediately. Aspirin is generally considered safe for plants, but individual sensitivities can vary.

Further reading

I’ve created a list of several types of homemade organic sprays that provide nutrients or protect plants from pests and diseases. Check the post below for this list.


  1. Hello – I like your video and will try this soon. I wondered if any of the aspirin remained in the fruit or vegetable. The reason I ask is that some people have heart problems and are on a monitored dose of aspirin. I’m wondering if there is a problem with that? I’m assuming it’s so little that there will only be a trace left in the harvested food. Can anyone confirm this?

    1. Hey Evelyn, Thanks for the comment. I don’t think there will be details on this. I also think the amount would be too low to cause any issue. However, I would much rather use other options as there are plenty available instead of this method. If there is any doubt about using it in a household where people have heart problems.

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